Kiba-dachi (Horse Riding Stance) Kiba-dachi: (Kēy-bă Daw-chee) (Horse Riding Stance) Foundation: Face forward. The back is straight. Keep the chin…
Isshin ryu Seiuchin-dachi or Shiko-dachi Seiuchin-dachi or Shiko-dachi: This stance is a close relative of the Horse-Riding Stance. The only…
Sanchin Dachi: (Sawn-chin Daw-chee) (Hourglass Stance Sanchin Dachi: (Sawn-chin Daw-chee) (Hourglass Stance Keep the back is straight. Keep the chin…
Nekoashi-dachi: (Knee-kō-ahw-chee Daw-chee) (Cat Stance) Nekoashi-dachi: (Knee-kō-ahw-chee Daw-chee) (Cat Stance) Foundation: The back is straight. Keep the chin up, head…
Kokutsu-dachi: (Kō-koot-sue Daw-chee) (Back Stance) Kokutsu-dachi: (Kō-koot-sue Daw-chee) Back Stance Back stances in kata usually indicate you’re pulling someone towards you.…
Isshin ryu Zenkutsu dachi (Long Forward Stance) Long Forward Stance Zenkutsu-dachi: (Zen-koot-sue Daw-chee) The main purpose for this stance is…
Seisan dachi (Forward Walking Stance) Forward Walking Stance Seisan–dachi: (Say-sawn Daw-chee) This is the first real fighting stance a beginner…
Heiko-Dachi or Yoi Position: (He-kō Daw-chee) Ready Position Heiko-Dachi or Yoi Position: (He-kō Daw-chee) The first move in most katas…
Heisoku-dachi: (Hay-sue-koo Daw-chee) Feet Together Beginning Bow Position Heisoku-dachi: (Hay-sue-koo Daw-chee) The attention stance is the middle section of the…
Isshin ryu Hachiji-dachi: (Haw-chee Daw-chee) Feet apart on a 45° angle Ready Position Hachiji-dachi: (Haw-chee Daw-chee) This is a non-threatening…