Wansu Kata
This version of the kata was performed at competition speed. Each move is quick and focused. The hand technique in some cases is so fast that students had difficulty seeing individual technique. The young lady performing the kata has won many tournament competitions.
This is a slower version of the kata. The competition speed makes it difficult to see each move clearly. Braden was kind enough to film the form at a slower more normal pace.
AOKK Wansu Kata by Series:
When practicing any strike or block, emotion must be removed from the equation, Anger or fear impedes your movement. These two emotions must be controlled in fighting. The mind cannot focus on two things at once. If you’re angry or afraid, you’ve placed the brakes on your defense. Anger slows you down. When executing any block or strike, the body must be relaxed until the moment of contact. Hip rotation and every movement must be timed to stop at the same time for maximum transfer of power. This is true of the mind as well. Your mind must remain in a relaxed state to minimize resistance to performing any strike or block. As the old adage goes, “Be like water” or flow and adapt to any situation.
The salutation:
Ready Position:
- After the bow the feet straighten and remain shoulder width apart.
- The fists cross and rotate slightly past the sides of you body.
Basic Bunkai: Attacker has grabbed your lapels. Drive both forearms downwards to remove his/her grasp and wedge the opponent’s arms outside your trunk. From this position the attacker is open, and you can launch your attack.

- Move right foot in a half moon while stepping into Seiuchin-dachi.
- Hands remain in the hammer shield position and pull upward horizontal to the ground.
Note: Sweep the ground with the right leg as you step into Horse-riding stance. [Kiba-dachi]
- Turn your head turns on a 45˚ angle. [Kiba-dachi]
- Pivot forty-five degrees into a forward walking stance to your left. [Seisan-dachi]
- Execute a L-H low block
- Execute a R-H vertical snap punch.

- Step into a left forward walking stance, or Seisan-dachi facing the original starting point in the kata.
- Execute a L-H low block.
- Execute a R-H vertical snap punch.
- Step forward into a right foot forward Seisan-dachi.
- Execute R-H Circular middle knife hand block [Mawashi-uki].
- Execute a L-H horizontal spear-finger strike palm up. The R-H is placed palm down over the top of biceps of the spear-finger strike.
- Step sideways into a crane stance with the left leg behind right.
- Pull the L-H into a fist and chamber the fist while executing a vertical snap punch with the R-H.

- Turn 180 degrees into a left Seisan-dachi.
- Execute a L-H Low block.
- Execute a R-H right vertical snap punch.
- Step forward into a right leg forward Seisan-dachi.
- Execute a R-H Circular middle knife-hand block [Mawashuki].
- Execute a L-H Spear-finger strike palm up while the R-H covers the bicep palm down.
- Step sideways into a crane stance right leg over the left leg.
- Pull the L-H back into a fist placing it on the obi while executing a R-H vertical snap punch.

- Turn 180 degrees into a Seisan-dachi.
- Execute a middle shuto block with the L-H.
- Turn the L-H vertical.
- Drive the right forearm into the open L-H.
- Execute a Rear Leg Front Snap kick with the right leg.
- Step down into right leg forward Seisan-dachi.

Series 6:
- Execute High block L-H and R-H low block, scissor block.
- Pull back into a cat stance.
- Open your hands.
- Execute a high shuto block with the L-H with the palm out, and hold the R-H palm forward above your thigh.
- Shuffle forward into Seisan on the oblique.
- Shoot the R-H forward palm-up under the opponent’s groin for the fireman’s carry throw.
- Pull the R-H backwards and turn counter clockwise 180 degrees into kiba-dachi (Horse Stance).
- Chamber the L-H until you deliver while executing what looks likes a palm heel with the R-H.

- Turn ninety-degrees into a Seisan-dachi.
- Execute a L-H middle shuto or knife-hand block [Shuto-uki].
- Execute a knee-strike with the right leg and step back into Seisan-dachi
- Execute a R-H vertical snap punch.
- Pivot and stack your hands on the left hip.

- Turn clockwise ninety degrees into a Seisan-dachi.
- Execute a R-H middle shuto knife-hand block [Shuto-uki].
- Next execute a forward knee strike.
- Execute a L-H vertical snap punch.

[Upper-body Exercise 14]
- Pivot into a ready stance.
- With fists stacked on the hips, execute a twin forearm block.
- Place the R-H on the right hip and the L-H on the left hip in a circular motion.
Note: The punch comes off the rear leg.
[Step angular like Upper-body Exercise 14]
- With fists stacked on the hips. Step right on a forty-five-degree angle into a Kiba-dachi on the oblique.
- Execute a L-H vertical snap punch.
- Execute a R-H vertical snap punch.
[Step angular like Upper-body Exercise 14]
- Step left on a forty-five-degree angle into a Kiba-dachi on the oblique.
- Execute a R-H vertical snap punch.
- Execute a L-H vertical snap punch.

[Lower-body Exercise or Chart 2]
- Pull back into a ready-stance and stack hands on the left side of the obi.
- Execute a right leg sidekick or 45˚ Blade Kick..
- Pull back into a ready-stance and stack hands on the right side of the obi
- Execute a left leg sidekick or 45˚ Blade Kick.
Note: Shimabuku sensei performed 45˚ Blade Kicks, but in the Americanization, someone changed it to side-kicks when I learned this kata.

- Step back into a left leg forward Seisan-dachi with hands in a two-hand shuto guarding position.

[Upper-body Exercise 15]
- Step forward into Kiba-dachi. [Horse Stance]
- Execute a horizontal elbow strike while in a horse stance. (pause)
- Then turn ninety degrees into a cat-stance while executing a reverse elbow strike.
- Execute a front kick off the lead leg.
[Upper-body Exercise 15]
- Step forward and turn ninety degrees into a cat-stance.
- Reverse elbow strike.
- While in the cat-stance front kick off the lead leg

- Double shuto strikes to the side and behind your rear.
- Circle hands into a double shuto-guarding block.